About Me ~ Hello and welcome to my site!​

Thank you for joining me​

I’m Emily – a working, married mother incorporating Catholicism, coffee, and the color purple into my life! The name for this blog comes from Proverbs 31:10-31. It describes a woman serving and loving God and her family (and wearing the color purple)!
On this blog I share stories and tips as I attempt to maintain my sanity and my homestead while striving to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
Here are some of things I will write about:
1- Catholicism- Our family is Roman Catholic. Though I am a cradle Catholic, I am always learning something new about our faith. Here you will be able to learn more about Catholicism and liturgical living. I also plan on sharing how we incorporate some traditional customs into our domestic church!
2- Family and Homestead- My husband and I (along with our daughters Anastasia and Philomena) live on a few acres just outside a small town in Louisiana where we have started homesteading with a little garden and some chickens. I also work part time at a hospital as a pediatric physician assistant which still allows me time to homeschool my oldest daughter. I plan to share our family’s lessons, triumphs, and struggles while trying to lead lives pleasing to God.
3- I enjoy staying organized with checklists (or, as I call them, my “paper brain”). I will share my methods of organization and tips for managing the household. You will be able to find printables throughout the blog.
I hope you enjoy reading!


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Follow my blog, facebook page, and pinterest page for more posts, quotes, and printables to come!

What my readers are saying:



“The godmother to 2/4 of my kiddos has created a blog. She has been an inspiration to me in following the ways of Christ and every now and then, I get to inspire her too! She has been such a blessing to my family and through this blog, I hope she will be a blessing to yours as well!” ~L.C.