Spring Cleaning Checklist

Detailed Spring Cleaning Checklist to Make Your Home an Oasis

What better time to get the house cleaned for Spring than during Lent! Offer up your physical and emotional discomfort of doing chores. Remember to consciously make the sacrifice to clean rather than to have free time. It will be a great feeling when the house is ready, better weather comes along and you can spend your time with your family having fun!

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Over the years, I have compiled a comprehensive list of chores but found that many of the lists were too unreasonable to keep up with. I broke down this free list that I am sharing with you into weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly so that you can hopefully more realistically keep up with the chores! I find that many mothers, both working and stay-at-home, do chores less often than people realize!

Keeping a chore list is so helpful in order that the corner of the bathroom behind the door doesn’t get overlooked or you don’t forget about the dust bunnies building up under the sofa. Chore lists can easily be incorporated into block schedules (read more about schedules here and here) so you can stay on schedule without falling behind and feeling defeated. 

Cleaning Checklist

Weekly Chores

Simple things, like refilling the toilet paper so that backup rolls are always readily available, make for a smooth week. It’s nice knowing that you won’t randomly run out of hand soap and have to refill it when it really isn’t a convenient time for you. The same goes for charging electronics. We have a little charging station that we use to keep our electronics regularly charged in case we lose power. 

A quick surface wipe-down and vacuum keep the house looking tidy without having to take up too much time with deep cleaning weekly. I also like to use products that keep things simple for me, such as Scrubbing Bubbles, which keep the mold/mildew off of my caulk but require no manual scrubbing on my part.

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Monthly Chores

I use the time set aside for monthly chores to prevent big messes that I would hate to tackle later. When I pump gas I try to dispose of any trash in my car at the same time. Otherwise, I try to get the car cleaned out monthly. Another big project that saves a nightmare later is cleaning out the fridge regularly. 

Quarterly Spring Cleaning Checklist

These are the chores I really don’t like to do and don’t think need to be done frequently. Truthfully, some of these chores are likely only done yearly, if at all, in many households. If you have anyone at home the suffers from allergies it’s a good idea to tackle many of the quarterly chores on this list.

Cleaning Checklist

Annual Spring Cleaning Checklist

Save the inside chores for a rainy day and the outside chores for a nice day outside and tackle this list. I would include your husband in these chores if he is willing!

Please download the free PDF spring cleaning checklist to help you to keep your home in top shape!

Chores List

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