Welcome to my site!
My blogging journey is just beginning, but feel free to take a look at the posts that I already have up!
I’m Emily – a working, married mother incorporating Catholicism, coffee, and the color purple into my life! The name for this blog comes from Proverbs 31:10-31. It describes a woman serving and loving God and her family (and wearing the color purple)!
On this blog I share stories and tips as I attempt to maintain my sanity and my homestead while striving to enter the Kingdom of Heaven!
Philomena kissing Mary
I will share my methods of organization and tips for managing the household. You will be able to find printables throughout the blog.
I have already posted about what I have learned so far while working through the pandemic as a healthcare worker.
I also shared some news about a recent event for our family and how to grieve and heal.
You can download my first printable at the end of my post about being prepared for hurricane season!
I hope you enjoy reading! Please feel free to share with friends and family!