Why do I think audiobooks can save your mind?
I am sharing 5 wonderful ways audiobooks can save your mind because listening to them gave me a sense a purpose again and kept me sane! Around the time earth baby number 2 was about 6 months old, I started to feel like I had lost all personal time. My husband and I had drafted up our weekly schedules that left very little me-time. I know in the grand scheme of things my life goal is to love and serve others like Jesus, but I needed some self-care time!
I needed some time to recharge my batteries. I needed some time to explore, engage, have fun all without leaving my kiddos! Then a friend convinced me to listen to audiobooks! [Credit should be given to my husband who had tried to convince me before, but you know sometimes you need to hear it from someone else 🙂 ].
When did audiobooks first start?
Audiobooks have been around since the early 1900s originally created specifically for those who are blind. From records to cassettes to CDs to digital versions, now more than ever it is easier to gain access to audiobooks!
How to get started with audiobooks
Some people, like myself, have a hard time adjusting their routine to make the switch. I always enjoy listening to music in the car, shower, and home while cleaning. Since I am a visual person I had a mental block to listening to a book. Just like with most habits, I learned that I had to give it time to adjust, and then I was hooked! One pro tip is that you can set the speed of the audiobook. I prefer to set the speed faster so I stay engaged. In one year I was able to read 25 books! I use my local library card number to access FREE books on the hoopla app.
The first wonderful way audiobooks can save your mind
Learning! I absolutely love that I can listen and learn. So far I have learned decluttering tips, how to start a blog, and how to best tackle all of our debt! Some of these audiobooks, at normal speed, only take a few hours to listen to. If I don’t like a book, I can select a new one instantly. I love being able to pick a few books about decluttering and read one or all of them depending on how helpful the first few chapters are to my lifestyle.
The great thing about learning with audiobooks, is you get a sense of what you need to do without having to sit down and take notes. Yes, ideally I would take notes of important tips that I attain while reading. But being honest with myself, I know I will not get and/or make that time. Knowing that realistically, I won’t have time to take notes forces me to better remember mentally. You can dip your toes in podcasts and learning new hobbies and take notes later if you wish! Either way, with little added effort, you build productivity time into your day without altering your daily schedule!
The second wonderful way audiobooks can save your mind
Fun! It is so much fun to read leisure books. Except for an occasional trip where I would start a novel and never finish it, I cannot remember the last time I finished a book only for pleasure- perhaps right after college? My husband and I love mystery shows! Imagine my delight when I discovered I can listen to mystery audiobooks such as Monk. I also enjoy listening to novels based on true stories such as the Tattooist of Auschwitz (not a book to listen to with children around). My favorite books growing up, the Little House series by Laura Ingalls Wilder, and other fun lighthearted audiobooks are available to stream!
The third wonderful way audiobooks can save your mind
Jesus! Anytime you want, you can put on your headphones and be guided with an audio rosary from the Laudate app. Further, you can listen to the Bible either read or a dramatized version. I like to take advantage and listen to books like Jesus the Bridegroom or The Case for Jesus by Brant Pitre. How truly wonderful that we can deepen our faith, for free, in the comfort of our homes!
The fourth wonderful way audiobooks can save your mind
Sense of accomplishment! Looking back over the past week or two, you realize that you have finished a book or two! You may also have had a tea party, pretended to be on Noah’s ark, fixed a broken toy, paid some bills, etc., but you got to do something only for you as well! I get the satisfaction of a mystery solved, learning a new skill, or being brought to tears by Dr. Brant Pitre’s words. In a small, not selfish way, I worked in some me-time to the schedule!
The fifth wonderful way audiobooks can save your mind
Makes boring tasks fun! I know spending time in silence is important, but if you aren’t going to get it anyway because the toddler is throwing toys and babbling and an older sibling is talking while drawing, you might as well spice up the boring task time!
The key to multitasking is Bluetooth headphones. I have a pair like this that turns into a necklace by the magnetic tips when you are not listening to anything. I find this makes it easy to take out one earbud if one of the kiddos has a question, or if someone is requiring more attention, I can take both out earbuds out and they snap together!
The final tip is simply remembering to set up your book! How easily can you think to yourself “I’m just unloading the dishwasher, I don’t need to listen to a book.”? If you add up all of the little listening sessions it equals a completed audiobook sooner than you’d think! I listen in the car, in the shower, and while doing chores primarily. Doing this affords some me-time without adding something to our weekly schedule!
Do you agree that audiobooks can save your mind? Have you found other wonderful ways to enjoy audiobooks?
If you are like I was and hesitant to make the switch, I hope this article was helpful. Please feel free to share this article with others who may benefit!